Oct 17, 2016

8258025783_c179076039_bWinter driving brings a unique set of challenges. To stay safe on the roads this winter, keep reading for a few helpful driving tips.

1. Be Extra Cautious Approaching a Bridge

Elevated structures like overpasses and bridges usually freeze before the rest of the road. While you might be traveling fine on the road, you could hit a patch of black ice on a bridge and lose control.

2. Give Yourself Extra Space

When you’re traveling on snowy or icy roads you should always leave yourself extra space to stop. You need at least three times the stopping space on slick roads that you need on dry roads. Additionally, when you’re driving in the snow, you need to do everything more slowly. Don’t expect to make any fast starts or sharp turns.

3. Keep Your Gas Tank Close to Full

Not only does a fuller gas tank prevent your vehicle’s gas-line from freezing, if you get stranded or stuck, running your engine is your only source of heat. You can leave your engine idling for as long as you have gas, and it will keep you warm and won’t hurt your engine.

4. Don’t Pass Snow Plows

The plow on a snow plow extends several feet beyond the width of the truck and makes it hard for the truck driver to see a passing car. Give the snow plows room to work and stay at least 200 feet back.

When you’re out on the roads this winter, keep these helpful driving tips in mind so you can travel safely.


Image via Flickr by Szift