Nov 25, 2019

The tires on your vehicle are THE only point of contact between you and the road. That’s why it’s essential to ensure they’re in peak condition. This is especially important during tricky weather, like the snow, ice and slick roads that winter months deliver. Keeping your tires properly inflated is mission-critical. Ensuring that the tread is robust is also key. But Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield, PA knows that there’s one more thing that you need to be aware of, namely keeping your tires in proper alignment.


A nasty pothole, a hard bump on a curb as you’re trying to park on a city street… loads of things can knock things off-kilter. How can you tell if your tires need to be put “straight” again? Here are the warning signs that your tires are out of alignment.


  1. Is your steering wheel vibrating? Yeah, that would mean it’s working extra hard to keep your tires on the straight and narrow.
  2. How’s the “wear” on your tires? If you notice that the tread is wearing unevenly on one tire or the other(s), there you go.
  3. Your car “drifts” to the right or left when you’re driving normally.
  4. Here’s one more test (SAFETY NOTE: be sure you’re not surrounded by other cars or driving too fast when you do this). Briefly take your hands off the wheel as you’re driving in a straight line. Does the steering wheel stay “center”? Or do you find the car drifting? If so, you need to get it in for some servicing.

A vehicle that’s out of alignment puts you at much greater risk on the road, especially during the winter months. If you notice any of these warning signs, you’ll want to schedule an appointment at Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield, PA to get it back in line. Their service department will have you taken care of in no time – and breathing easier as you drive.