Jun 18, 2012

When riding with young children it is vital you have the necessary safety equipment to protect your child in your new or used Reading Toyota. Traveling with kids presents some safety concerns so it is vital that you have the proper car seats and booster seats to help children fit properly in your vehicle’s seat belt system.


Kids need to always ride in the back. The safety of the back seat is recommended for all children under the age of 12 but it also depends on the height and weight of the child. Passenger seat airbags can prove deadly to a young child when deployed. Children should ride in the back in safety seats to protect them in even a minor fender bender.


Another issue to address when traveling with young children is the distraction they can present for the driver. It is important to stay focused on the road and if you have to tend to a child’s needs, it is wiser to pull off to the safe side of the road rather than continue being distracted by your back seat passengers.


When traveling with a lot of baby gear or toys, be sure to secure everything in a bag or container. In the event of a collision, non-secured items can become projectiles that can cause serious injury to your young passengers. Remove all trash and loose items from the vehicle to keep everyone safe.


Remember to schedule regular tune ups for your vehicle so you don’t have to worry about a roadside breakdown when traveling with your kids. Our Reading PA Toyota service center can help ensure your engine is running properly and that your vehicle’s safety systems are working properly.