Dec 15, 2014

Replacing a headlight in older vehicle was much easier back in the day.  It used to be that you popped out the light, replaced it with a new one, and voilà, you were finished.  Now, replacing a headlight can be a difficult task.  Hatfield Toyota has tips to help you replace your car’s headlight. Fast moving car at night

Tools You Will Need

When you replace the bulb, you might as well go ahead and replace both at the same time. Before you get started, gather the tools and parts you will need for the job:

  • Replacement bulbs (type and size can be located in your owner’s manual)
  • Service manual for your car
  • Tissue or rubber gloves (never touch the glass part of the bulb)

How to Replace a Headlight Bulb

It is very likely that the headlight bulb will be squished in between many other parts, which means you will have to become quite the hand contortionist to replace the bulb.

  • Pop the hood open on the vehicle.
  • Squeeze your hand down behind the headlight assembly.
  • Depending on your vehicle, the wiring may be held in place with a plastic catch, a metal clip, or a screw cap.  If your car has a plastic catch, push down on the lever with your thumb while pulling on the plug.  If your assembly has a metal clip, gently pull the back of the bulb out of the assembly.  If you cars lights are held in with a screw cap, unscrew it by turning the cap counter-clockwise.
  • When the wires are moved, tug on the base of the bulb to remove it from the housing.
  • If you aren’t wearing rubber gloves, use a clean tissue to pop the new bulb in to place.
  • Attach the wiring and you are good to go.  Turn on the lights to ensure it is working.  You should also face the car toward a wall or garage door to make sure the lights are level.