Jan 10, 2020

No matter how many security devices you may have on your car, the chances of car theft is still a “thing.” It’s easy to become a little complacent, which offers car thieves a chance to ruin your day. Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield, PA is proud to offer Toyota vehicles with exceptional anti-theft technology, but just to be on the safe side, here are their smart tips for preventing car theft.



Older cars tend to have fewer security features and are easier to steal. Additionally, they’re constructed with materials that “chop shops” prefer over those found in more modern vehicles. If your car is over 10 years old, consider adding some security devices to prevent car theft. The service department at Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield, PA can advise you on the kinds of measures that make sense for an older car.



Many new Toyotas include anti-theft features as standard. However, you can increase their effectiveness by considering additional ways to prevent car theft. “VIN etching” is where your vehicle ID number is etched on the windshield and other parts of the car. This makes it far less attractive to car thieves who want to sell it for parts. Also, consider a tracking system that will let you pinpoint where it is via GPS.



It’s easy to think, “Oh, I’ll just be a minute” and leave your car or truck unlocked. That creates an opportunity where there wasn’t one. Make locking your vehicle as automatic as putting on your seat belt. It’s one more way to prevent car theft. On a similar note, don’t give car thieves a chance by parking in a dimly-lit, remote area; stick to more populated sections of the lot.



Getting back to the original point of becoming complacent, don’t think your anti-theft devices are going to prevent a car thief from trying to grab the good stuff they spot through the window. Keep items stashed out of sight, in a cargo holder, even under the seat.


Experts say that taking this kind of “multi-layered” approach is most effective in preventing car theft. Take full advantage of both Toyota’s cutting-edge technology as well as common-sense measures. Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield, PA is always ready to help you make your vehicle as safe and secure as possible.