May 28, 2012

Have you been putting off getting your car’s oil changed even though you know it is due? Skipping oil changes can have negative consequences on the health of your car. Your Reading Toyota dealer recommends scheduling oil changes as part of your regular maintenance schedule. Here is what you need to know.

Oil Changes Keep Your Car Healthy

Regular oil changes keep your car’s engine running smoothly and prevent it from overheating. When you don’t get your oil changed your car will be negatively impacted. Not getting your oil changed can speed up the aging process of your vehicle, lower your gas mileage and even cause engine damage.


Recommended Time Frame Between Oil Changes

How frequently do you need to get your oil changed?  While every car is different, most vehicles need to have their oil changed somewhere between 5,0000 and 8,000 miles. Of course there are situations when an oil change may be needed more or less frequently. Check your owner’s manual and see what the manufacturer of your vehicle recommends and also consider how you drive. If you do a lot of city driving and are on and off your brakes on a consistent basis you may need to have your oil changed more frequently.


Check in With Your Toyota Service Department

If you are unsure how often you need to have your oil changed check in with the Reading Toyota service department today. Your service tech will be happy to assist you in deciding on an oil change maintenance schedule for your vehicle.