May 17, 2022

Yes, everyone is busy these days. However, taking a little time to ensure that your Toyota is performing at peak efficiency will save you time down the road (as in fewer breakdowns or major repairs), not to mention money. To stay on top of your Toyota car care, Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield, PA offers these helpful reminders to keep your Toyota vehicle in perfect condition.

First, don’t ignore the little things. Maybe it’s a funny noise or a puddle of something beneath the car. Don’t blow the small signs off. Bring your vehicle into Peruzzi Toyota’s service department and let the professionals have a look. Like the saying goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Address tiny problems before they become big ones.

Next, don’t let the sticker on your windshield be the boss. The dates for your next oil change, for example, are more a recommendation than anything else. They provide a guideline for the longest you should go between service calls. If you’ve been on the road more than usual, it’s smart to step up routine tasks like oil changes and tire rotation.

Honestly assess your real-world driving habits and let those guide the frequency of your service appointments. Do you drive on rough roads and hit a lot of potholes? Do you tend to speed or do a lot of off-roading? Do you push your vehicle’s performance by regularly towing heavy loads, etc.? Those are indicators that your Toyota needs a bit more constant care.

One of the most critical things to stay on top of with your Toyota vehicle are the tires. They are your main point of contact to the road, and the condition that they’re in makes all the difference in case of an accident or emergency. Checking for proper inflation can save you as much as 6% on fuel costs (super-important these days). It’s also critical to have your tires rotated and balanced on a regular basis; it prolongs tire life, saving you money. If you have a long commute, make staying on top of your tires a main chore.

Here’s another thing to keep in mind when it comes to routine car care: leasing. According to the terms of a lease contract, you’re expected to turn in your vehicle at the end of the lease with it in good condition. Overlooking things like tire maintenance, oil changes, and the like will cost you big time. Doing what you can to mitigate excessive wear and tear is a smart practice.

So, check your calendar and schedule those car care appointments with the service pros at Peruzzi Toyota in Hatfield. We’ll get you in and out quickly and provide the peace of mind that comes from knowing your vehicle is in peak shape.