May 15, 2012

Driving during inclement weather conditions can be dangerous, especially if you do not stay alert and take extra precautions. Do you know what safety measures you should be taking if you find yourself caught driving in severe weather?  Hatfield Toyota offers the following tips to help keep you safe.

Be Alert To Your Surroundings

If you find yourself driving in severe weather conditions it is critical that you stay alert to your surroundings. Watch for cars that may be stopped on the road side and be on the lookout for fallen branches and downed utility poles. If traffic lights are out treat the intersection as a 4 way stop. Finally, watch out for flooded roadways and take a detour if you can to avoid going through deep puddles or moving water.


Proceed With Caution

Slow down and proceed with caution. Keep both of your hands on the wheel and make sure you leave plenty of room between you and the car ahead of you in case you need to come to a quick stop. Take turns more carefully and if you must pass someone proceed with caution and remember that larger truck and tractor trailer drivers have blind spots and may not be able to see you.


Make Yourself Visible

Do your best to make sure other cars on the roadway can see you. Turn on your head lights or emergency flashers.


Tune in to Your Local Forecast

Finally, keep your local radio station on and pay attention to government issued watches and warnings. If you know you are headed into severe weather like a thunderstorm or a tornado outbreak, you should find a place to pull over and wait it out. If you can avoid being on the roadways during these types of severe weather events you are better off.